Ring a Ding Ding

I know it’s a strange title to a post. However this was the name of Frank Sinatra’s first record album on his own label Reprise Records. The album Ring-a-Ding-Ding rang lots of bells for fans and it was a major success. Songs on the album included “Let’s Fall in Love”, “Be Careful It’s My Heart” and “A Foggy Day.”

“Let’s Fall in Love”

Frank Sinatra starred in one of his most successful movies in 1965 “Von Ryan’s Express”. In the music world to keep on top and continue to be popular Sinatra chose to record hits by other artists like Elvis Presley’s “Love Me Tender” and The Beatles’s “Something” and “Yesterday.”


It was also at this time that Sinatra was a part of what was known as “The Rat Pack” a group of entertainers which he led and who worked together in movies and casino shows. They were Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop.

In 1965 Frank Sinatra released the Grammy Award winning album September of My Years which included such songs as “Last Night When We Were Young” and the ever popular “It Was a Very Good Year” for which Sinatra won for Best Vocal Performance in 1966.

“It Was a Very Good Year”

Album of the Year was won by his career anthology A Man and His Music. Then came some of Sinatra’s greatest hits like “That’s Life” and “Strangers in the Night.” In 1967 he sang “Something Stupid” in a duet with his daughter Nancy Sinatra. However the one song that was and always will be most identified with Sinatra was “My Way” even though it has been recorded by many different artists. In 1970 he released the album “Watertown” but unfortunately this time it didn’t do well with the public.

“My Way”




  1. [ Smiles ] I can clearly see that you are having a great time with those Frank Sinatra posts.

  2. I sure am and don't forget to see the great finish which just posted.


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